By Tammy Bolden

Most people know that the holiday we recognized on February 14th is named after St. Valentine but don’t know why. According to legend, St. Valentine was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. Before he was captured, having fallen in love with his jailer’s daughter and later executed, he wrote a note to her stating “from your Valentine.”  And the rest is romantic history.  

But that doesn’t explain why we use Cupid to recognize Valentine’s day.

Anyway, what do you have in store to profess your undying devotion to the love of your life or maybe just Mr. or Miss Right-Now??? (I’m so dramatic…)

You can add a little spice by adding the color of the holiday – RED. You can add an accent in one room and go all out in another like Will and Jada did in their home featured in Architectural Digest a few years ago…

What about a full on red powder room?
Maybe try a whimsical wallpaper…
or would a kitchen with red cabinets be too much?
Do stripes give you vertigo?
Why not just go for it on all the walls?
If that’s too much of a good thing, then try a red light fixture, banquette or buffet to stimulate the appetite…
or use red lamps, pillows or artwork…
or a mirror and chairs…
or simply paint your front door.
However you choose, just salute St. Valentine’s commitment to love with the color of passion.
Here’s hoping you get lucky…
Peace and Blessings,




